EgoMon Gaze & Video Dataset

Research on the prediction of visual saliency in egocentric vision.

View the Project on GitHub imatge-upc/egocentric-2016-saliency

EgoMon Gaze & Video Dataset is an Egocentric (first person) Dataset that consists of 7 videos of 30 minutes, more or less, each one of them.

Bachelor Thesis

Chertó M. EgoMon Gaze and Video Dataset for Visual Saliency Prediction. ESEIAAT UPC, 2016.

EgoMon Gaze and Video Dataset for Visual Saliency Prediction from Xavier Giro


Download the dataset here

VIDEO Indoors/Outdoors Duration
Oral presentation Indoors 45:17
Albert College and DCU Park Outdoors 22:07
Spanish Omelette Indoors 29:25
Playing cards Indoors 30:10
Botanic Gardens Outdoors 36:13
Bus Ride Outdoors 26:29
Walking to the Office Outdoors 33:30

Acquisition of the Dataset

The acquisition of the dataset was carried out between three different wearers of the glasses:


Oral presentation

This video was recorded in an office during two presentations of a progress report of two different projects. First of all, the person who wore the camera was presenting her project and in the half part of the video another person started the presentation of his project and the person who wore the glasses watched his presentation and the questions round.

Dublin City University and Albert College Park

This video was recorded outdoors. The participant was walking in a park with two friends. In this video we can see some different situations that make change the fixation point of view. For example, looking straight and that appears a runner or a dog. Or we can also see the participant looking a map and his friends pointing some parts of the map.

Spanish Omelette

This video was recorded cooking the traditional Spanish food "tortilla de patatas". The video is situated in a kitchen. We can see in the video how the participant follows with her point of view the different processes to cook this traditional food.

Playing cards

This video was recorded during a card game with four players. We can see how the participant fixes their attention in different persons and situations and their cards.

Botanic gardens, Dublin

This video was recorded outside. The participant was walking in the Botanic Gardens situated in Dublin. In this video appear different situations that can change the point of gaze. For example, go into a greenhouse or follow a squirrel, etc.

Bus ride

This video was recorded in the front and in the second floor of a Dublin bus. In the video the participant is static but the scene that they are recording is in motion.

Walking to the office

This video was recorded walking around the streets of the Dublin 9 district from an apartment to the Insight Centre of Dublin City University.